Work Package 2

Work Package 2 (WP2) is focused on creating a publicly available well screening-tool that combines data on well configuration, well design, well operations and well integrity during the operation phase and after abandonment. The tool will assess the well characteristics against defined functional requirements (based on regulatory requirements, standards and standard operating procedures) and a detailed assessment to determine re-use potential (e.g. for injection or monitoring) for specific wells including, leakage potential, workover and remediation needs.

We plan to develop the tool based off of previous work by TNO and Los Alamos National Lab. The algorithms for assessing well re-use and integrity will be developed based on results of a detailed literature review of requirements, industry practices and state-of-the-art. We will apply novel machine learning algorithms to data on wells to identify important parameters and features that affect long-term well integrity and re-use potential. Advanced machine learning approaches will be utilized to analyze existing well data from selected basins or fields around the world to develop relationships between well configurations, field parameters, operational history and well status.

Delivery of this tool will help to achieve the project objective of enabling operators and project developers to not only identify wells with high re-use potential but also determine issues that need to be addressed for effectively converting the wells for CO2 storage application.

Potential tool output

Potential tool output for the REX-CO2 tool displaying probabilities of well integrity.